How far along?: 18 weeks (I do these a week behind so I'm actually 19 weeks)
Baby is the size of: Sweet potato or bell pepper. Sometimes these fruit/veggie references don't make sense to me. I mean, a sweet potato can really vary in size!
Maternity Clothes?: Yes! Last week I spent the majority of the week trying to fit into my regular clothes for work so on Saturday I went shopping with my mom and sister and found some great maternity things for work, along with some cardigans and maternity tees. So now I should be good to go for awhile. My mom's best advice so far - stop trying to fit into your regular clothes and embrace the maternity clothes! I think I don't have a choice but to heed her advice - lol
Symptoms: Feeling pretty normal this week - apart from a bit of back pain and pelvic pain.
Sleep: Weird, very vivid dreams but other than sleeping okay and pretty comfortable.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby kick "officially" for the first time. I thought I had been feeling the baby for awhile but I was sort of "iffy" about whether or not it was in fact baby. Well, Sunday there was not mistaking it! Those little flutters were definitely baby!
Worst moment this week: Coming down with a bad case of pink eye - of all things! My sister-in-law told me that she had it as well when she was pregnant (twice actually) so that definitely made me feel better.
Have you told family and friends yet?: Close family and friends
Miss anything?: Glass of wine here or there. But thankfully the majority of what I've been craving has been things I can in fact eat.
Movement: Yes! I definitely have felt the baby move. It's always in the evening and some nights it's more active than others. Sunday, was a particularly active night! It's such an incredible feeling!
Food cravings: Chocolate ice cream and strawberries, Subway,
Anything make you queasy or sick?: A few certain foods that really made me nauseous during my first trimester but not very many.
Have you started to show? Oh yeah. No way of really hiding it anymore. I love it :)
Gender prediction: Everyone still thinks it's a girl
Belly button in or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: On
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out the baby's gender on April 7 and announcing it to our families on April 11!
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