How far along?: 19 weeks - I do these a week behind so as you read this, I'm actually 20 weeks - which means I'm officially half way there!
Baby is the size of: Mango or heirloom tomato
Maternity Clothes?: Oh yeah! I've been loving my new maternity wardrobe I got last week!
Symptoms: Some back pain, pelvic pain and a couple of days after work I noticed my feet were a little swollen. Lots of odd pains in my lower tummy - feeling sort of like a stitch you get from running. I also can get bad heartburn/indigestion - especially when I eat citrus foods
Sleep: Some crazy, vivid dreams and because of those I haven't been having the most restful of sleeps.
Worst moment this week: I had a scary couple of days in the middle of the week. I woke up in the middle of the night to quite severe pains in my lower abdomen. It bothered me most of the night and was still there in the morning. I went to work as normal but was extremely uncomfortable and the pain only got progressively worse as the morning wore on - I'm talking quite severe/extreme pain. When your pregnant, you can't help but fear the worst - immediately. Anyway, long story short after a trip to my maternity clinic and then my GP's office I was put on antibiotics for a bladder and/or kidney infection. I felt pretty rough for a good 4 days - as the pain only got progressively worse in my back before I started to feel better. Thankfully I'm back to normal now and am feeling great! I really hope I don't experience another scary incident as it was no fun worrying so heavily about the baby's safety - in saying that though, I guess as a parent you constantly have a worries so I guess those worries are only beginning!
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat after some scary severe abdominal pain.
Have you told family and friends yet?: Yes - close family and friends
Miss anything?: Not much I can think of - I'm mostly craving what I can actually eat. Except for maybe citrus foods. I'm trying to stay away from those due to the heartburn/indigestion that comes with it. I love a good 7Up or lemon water!
Movement: Not much yet - but every now and again I'll feel a little flutter.
Food cravings: Still chocolate ice cream and strawberries, granny smith apples, Subway, Ruffles all dressed chips, cranberry juice
Anything make you queasy or sick?: Still the thought of my husband's stew and butter chicken
Have you started to show? Definitely!
Gender prediction: Still a girl!
Belly button in or out?: In.
Wedding rings on or off?: On.
Happy or moody most of the time?: With my infection (and worrying about the baby) my emotions were a bit on a roller coaster this week. But I definitely had some good happy moments as well!
Looking forward to: Our 20 week ultrasound next week, finding out the gender and our party with our families to reveal the gender - so fun!

Baby is the size of: Mango or heirloom tomato
Maternity Clothes?: Oh yeah! I've been loving my new maternity wardrobe I got last week!
Symptoms: Some back pain, pelvic pain and a couple of days after work I noticed my feet were a little swollen. Lots of odd pains in my lower tummy - feeling sort of like a stitch you get from running. I also can get bad heartburn/indigestion - especially when I eat citrus foods
Sleep: Some crazy, vivid dreams and because of those I haven't been having the most restful of sleeps.
Worst moment this week: I had a scary couple of days in the middle of the week. I woke up in the middle of the night to quite severe pains in my lower abdomen. It bothered me most of the night and was still there in the morning. I went to work as normal but was extremely uncomfortable and the pain only got progressively worse as the morning wore on - I'm talking quite severe/extreme pain. When your pregnant, you can't help but fear the worst - immediately. Anyway, long story short after a trip to my maternity clinic and then my GP's office I was put on antibiotics for a bladder and/or kidney infection. I felt pretty rough for a good 4 days - as the pain only got progressively worse in my back before I started to feel better. Thankfully I'm back to normal now and am feeling great! I really hope I don't experience another scary incident as it was no fun worrying so heavily about the baby's safety - in saying that though, I guess as a parent you constantly have a worries so I guess those worries are only beginning!
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat after some scary severe abdominal pain.
Miss anything?: Not much I can think of - I'm mostly craving what I can actually eat. Except for maybe citrus foods. I'm trying to stay away from those due to the heartburn/indigestion that comes with it. I love a good 7Up or lemon water!
Movement: Not much yet - but every now and again I'll feel a little flutter.
Food cravings: Still chocolate ice cream and strawberries, granny smith apples, Subway, Ruffles all dressed chips, cranberry juice
Anything make you queasy or sick?: Still the thought of my husband's stew and butter chicken
Have you started to show? Definitely!
Gender prediction: Still a girl!
Belly button in or out?: In.
Wedding rings on or off?: On.
Happy or moody most of the time?: With my infection (and worrying about the baby) my emotions were a bit on a roller coaster this week. But I definitely had some good happy moments as well!
Looking forward to: Our 20 week ultrasound next week, finding out the gender and our party with our families to reveal the gender - so fun!

xo, Megan
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