Thanks so much to Rita for the Liebster Blogger Award nomination! I'm super thrilled that you thought of me! The Liebster Blog Awards "is all about discovering blogs, and helping those with less than 200 followers get recognized."
* Each Person awarded must post 11 facts about themselves
* Answer the 11 questions the nominator has set for them
* Create 11 more questions for bloggers they will nominate
* Choose 11 bloggers to nominate and link them in your post
* Let the lucky bloggers know
11 Things About Me:
1. I just got married in June and have enjoyed married life so far!
2. I love my husband and family more than anything
3. I'm a Paralegal by day
4. I am a high stress, dramatic person (and NOT proud of it!)
5. I LOVE anything to do with fashion (including interior design)
6. I am the oldest of four
7. I'm 25
8. I recently started an interior design program - with the end goal of doing some design projects on the side
9. I'm a stylist for Stella & Dot
10. I enjoy doing yoga
11. Since getting married I have learned to cook and would actually classify myself at not too bad (I never thought that was possible!)
Rita's Questions:
1. How did your blog come about?
Well, I was getting a bit tired of my mundane 9-5 job and with wedding planning done, I found myself to have some time on my hands. With all this extra time, I began to think about what I was truly passionate for. My mind kept going towards fashion. I have, for a while, followed many fashion blogs and thought this would be a fun way to show my love of budget friendly fashion and to help women find clothing they feel good in and that won't break the bank.
In addition to my love of fashion, since moving out of my parents house a few years ago, I have had lots of fun decorating my cute one bedroom apartment and more recently our new townhouse. From these experiences, I have learned that I not only enjoy fashion in terms of clothing but I also enjoy home fashions.
With both my passion for fashion and my passion for interior design in mind, I decided to try my hand at blogging. Hence the birth of "Fashion on a Budget"!
2. How do you grow your blog readership?
When I first decided to try blogging, I decided to email a few successful bloggers, whose blogs I follow, to try and get tips on how to grow your fan base. The biggest advise I got was to start interacting and commenting on as many blogs as possible so that you get your name out there.
Also, when you do comment on others blogs, make sure you sign end your comment with your name and a link to your blog.
3. Do you have an idol (could be a media figure, family, friend, etc)?
This is a tough one....I love too many media figures but wouldn't necessarily call them my idols. I probably would have to say that I idolize my parents the most though :)
4. What do you do on your spare time?
Let's be honest, I love shopping in my spare time, especially with my sister. I also love reading, hanging out with my husband and family, quite movie nights with my husband, reading about fashion and interior design, cooking and doing yoga.
5. What are your favorite movies?
Anything with a romantic vibe to it - The Notebook, You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, Dear John....
6. What is your favorite food?
I am a die-hard fan of chips - especially sea salt and malt vinegar and all-dressed flavours!
7. Where do you usually shop?
I love Garage (this my favourite store to shop at with my sister), H&M, J. Crew, Marshalls, Forever 21.
8. What are your top 5 played songs on your iPod?
Anything and everything country. Right now it would be the new Taylor Swift songs, Carrie Underwood (since I recently, just went to her concert). I also am loving Maroon 5 right now.
9. What is your dream job?
Definitely something to do with fashion or interior design. Hence why I'm doing a interior design program.
10. What is your biggest fear?
I have many - my husband always says that I'm a scaredy (is that a word?) cat! I do really hate underground parking garages - when I used to live on my own in an apartment I used to hate coming home late and having to park and walk through my parking garage!
11. What is your favourite quote?
"I love you more than there are stars in the sky...." - my husband and I use this quote all the time!
Bloggers I'm Nominating:
Thanks again to Rita for nominating me!
Yeah! Congratulations! I love reading your answers. It's so great to get to know the women behind the blogs I follow. And thank you so much for nominating me. You are so sweet. Thank you for all your support.
You're welcome girl! Really loved reading your answers and learning about you:)!