How far along?: 15 weeks (I do these a week behind so I'm actually 16 weeks today)
Baby is the size of: Naval orange and/or an apple
Maternity Clothes?: Yes. Still can get away with some non-maternity dresses and tops for work but I've learned to love things that have lots of stretch in them.
Symptoms: Acid reflux after eating certain foods, frequent pee breaks and my tummy has been itchy. I've also been stuffed up this week. I'm not sure if it's a cold or pregnancy related but I'm guessing the latter as I have no other cold symptoms.
Sleep: Still using a pillow to rest up a against and since I've been using the pillow all the time I've been sleeping much better
Best moment this week: Not really a specific moment but just the feeling of actually looking pregnant. I don't just feel bloated or "chubby" anymore but actually pregnant.
Worst moment this week: Intense acid reflux - blah!
Have you told family and friends yet?: Yes!
Miss anything?: Sleeping on my tummy.
Movement: not yet (or not that I'm aware of anyway)
Food cravings: grapefruits, pineapple, bananas, peanut butter toast with banana, fruit roll ups
Anything make you queasy or sick?: The thought of eating stir fry or certain soups grosses me out. I also seem to be hungry all. the. time.
Have you started to show? Yes! I'm noticing that I no longer just have a little bump in my low tummy it's now sort of my whole tummy that 's a bump. I can't get over how hard it feels - lol
Gender prediction: Everyone seems to still think it's a girl.
Belly button in or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: On
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy but a little emotional here and there.
Looking forward to: Hitting the 20 week mark! We also get to find out the baby's gender during that week so we're super, SUPER excited for that!
And here's some bump shots:

And here's some bump shots:

xo, Megan
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