We're officially half way there! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by and, quite honestly, I'm a little nervous as to how fast the next half is gonna go. While I'm super excited to meet our little one, we still have so much to do!

{Dress: Target Maternity / Sunglasses: Rayban / Necklace: The Giving Keys}
How far along?: 20 weeks (I do these one week behind so I'm actually 21 weeks today)
Baby is the size of: Length of a banana
Maternity Clothes?: Yup! Everything I'm wearing is pretty much maternity except for cardigan, jackets, etc...
Symptoms: Some back discomfort, and just random pains here and there - same "stitch" pain in my lower tummy especially after I've walked for a long period of time.
Sleep: Pretty good - apart from the very vivid dreams, a bit of tossing and turning and some back pain.
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby at our 20 week ultrasound and finding out the gender! More on that next week!
Worst moment this week: Can't really think of a bad moment this week - it was a pretty darn good week!
Have you told family and friends yet?: Close friends and family know - we're making our announcement on Facebook next week. My grandparents were in town for Easter so it was fun to share in their excitement, show them my bump and progress so far!
Miss anything?: A glass of white wine every now and again would be nice.
Movement: Oh yeah - baby has days of being super active (like off and on all day) to days where I only feel movement a couple of times. At my ultrasound it took a good hour to get all the shots they needed as baby was moving like crazy. They had me up and down walking around, changing positions just to try and get the baby to move to the right positions. I think we have one active baby on our hands!
Food cravings: Still chocolate ice cream with strawberries, granny smith apples, Subway. I've also been loving Raisin Bran and oatmeal.
Anything make you queasy or sick?: Pretty well the same as last week.
Have you started to show?: Oh yeah - I've had two strangers ask me when I'm do this week so I think it's safe to say that I officially look pregnant.
Gender prediction: No more predictions - since we already know! Again, more on that next week!
Belly button in or out?: In.
Wedding rings on or off?: On!
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy!
Looking forward to: My husband's birthday, my birthday (all next week!)
{Dress: Target Maternity / Sunglasses: Rayban / Necklace: The Giving Keys}
How far along?: 20 weeks (I do these one week behind so I'm actually 21 weeks today)
Baby is the size of: Length of a banana
Maternity Clothes?: Yup! Everything I'm wearing is pretty much maternity except for cardigan, jackets, etc...
Symptoms: Some back discomfort, and just random pains here and there - same "stitch" pain in my lower tummy especially after I've walked for a long period of time.
Sleep: Pretty good - apart from the very vivid dreams, a bit of tossing and turning and some back pain.
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby at our 20 week ultrasound and finding out the gender! More on that next week!
Worst moment this week: Can't really think of a bad moment this week - it was a pretty darn good week!
Have you told family and friends yet?: Close friends and family know - we're making our announcement on Facebook next week. My grandparents were in town for Easter so it was fun to share in their excitement, show them my bump and progress so far!
Miss anything?: A glass of white wine every now and again would be nice.
Movement: Oh yeah - baby has days of being super active (like off and on all day) to days where I only feel movement a couple of times. At my ultrasound it took a good hour to get all the shots they needed as baby was moving like crazy. They had me up and down walking around, changing positions just to try and get the baby to move to the right positions. I think we have one active baby on our hands!
Food cravings: Still chocolate ice cream with strawberries, granny smith apples, Subway. I've also been loving Raisin Bran and oatmeal.
Anything make you queasy or sick?: Pretty well the same as last week.
Have you started to show?: Oh yeah - I've had two strangers ask me when I'm do this week so I think it's safe to say that I officially look pregnant.
Gender prediction: No more predictions - since we already know! Again, more on that next week!
Belly button in or out?: In.
Wedding rings on or off?: On!
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy!
Looking forward to: My husband's birthday, my birthday (all next week!)
xo, Megan
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